Non-Profit Social Justice Charity

Plant-based Health Justice

A Healthier Sustainable World through Justice for All

About Us

Centuries of systems of power, including colonialism, capitalism, individualism, and other forms of -ism, have created structures that prioritize profit and power over the health and well-being of our planet and its inhabitants.

These systems have resulted in ecological disasters, such as climate change, deforestation, and pollution, that negatively impact human health and the natural world. They have also led to the exploitation and mistreatment of animals and humans, perpetuating inequalities and injustices that have lasting impacts.

It is crucial that we recognize the interconnectedness of these issues and address them as such. Focusing on one issue at a time, without considering the broader systemic factors that contribute to it, will not bring about the long-lasting changes we need.

Justice, equity and compassion should be at the core of our actions as we work towards systemic change.

That’s why Plant-based Health Justice was founded. We are a non-profit social justice charity with a mission to create a healthier, more sustainable world by cultivating justice, equity, and compassion for all.

Our work focuses on:

  • Raising awareness about the interconnectedness of systems of oppression
  • Dismantling those systems by collective action rooted in justice, equity and compassion.
  • Empowering systemically marginalised people of the Global South to heal and reclaim their sovereignty.

Our Initiatives

Planetary Health

The health and well-being of humans are connected to the well-being of the earth. We need to act now to keep our planet liveable.

Animal Justice

“Never have the animals been in greater need of human compassion.”

Native American wisdom

Human Health

Poor diet is killing 1 in 4 people globally. By changing our dietary habits we could prevent over 11 million deaths.

Racial Justice

Racial justice is not the absence of racism. It is about developing stratgies and actions to ensure racial equity and success for all.

Our Mission

The PHJ’s mission is to create a healthier, sustainable world by cultivating justice, equity and compassion for all – humans and animals alike.

Our Core Values

Community and Teamwork

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